All aboard the Hogwarts Express! Sept. 7 is Harry Potter Day at the Cariboo Regional District Library. PixabaY PHOTO

All aboard the Hogwarts Express! Sept. 7 is Harry Potter Day at the Cariboo Regional District Library. PixabaY PHOTO

Cariboo Regional District Library kicks of program season with Harry Potter Day

Quesnel Library staff organizing Harry Potter-themed games, crafts and more Sept. 7

The Cariboo Regional District Library will kick off the school year and its program season in Quesnel on Sept. 7 with a Harry Potter Day celebration.

Library staff will be organizing Harry Potter-related games, crafts and more on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the library program room at 410 Kinchant St.

Area librarian Heather Lee said the games will include miniature quidditch, which is played with ping pong balls and cups instead of brooms.

Crafts will include supplies for kids to make spiders as well as paint wands.

READ MORE: Quesnel’s Harry Potter pop-up shop and charity coffee stand

There will also be other wands for kids to play with, a photo booth and prizes.

Lee said the contents of the prize goodie bags is being kept as secret as the home of the Basilisk, the Chamber of Secrets in the second installment of the widely-popular series of fantasy novels by author J. K. Rowling.

However, she was able to confirm that the prizes will be related to the magical world of witchcraft and wizardry in some way.

“We’d like to see as many people come out and dress up as possible,” she said, adding that she will be in attendance at the event and plans to dress up as a witch.

Lee also said staff will be using the day to gauge community interest and involvement in events at the library.

“If there’s a level of interest then we can expand this, and do it bigger and better next year,” she said.

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Quesnel Cariboo Observer