Castlegar musician Reiss Zibin released her first music video on Monday, Nov. 30.

Castlegar musician Reiss Zibin released her first music video on Monday, Nov. 30.

Castlegar musician releases music video

Castlegar musician Reiss Zibin released her very first music video, "I Should've Known" on Monday, Nov. 30.

Castlegar musician Reiss Zibin released her very first music video on Monday, Nov. 30.

The video is for the song “I Should’ve Known” off of her first album, Reality, released in 2014.

“After we produced this first album of mine I kind of knew my next step was to get a music video now, so we chose my song “I Should’ve Known” from my album and my dad and I just kind of came up with a story line,” said Zibin.

Then Zibin and her dad, who acts as her manager, met with Geoff Fontes and Dan Caverly who produced and directed the video.

“They did an amazing job on this video,” said Zibin. “They put so much time and effort into it so I’m really proud of what they did and they definitely deserve a lot of credit.”

It was shot over two non-consecutive days, with scenes filmed at the Element Bar and Grill and a school in Castlegar, and at the Mountain Nugget Chocolate Company, court house and a house in Rossland.

Zibin said her favourite part was being able to make the video in her hometown.

“It’s not very often you get to do a music video where you grew up, and also the other cool part of it is everyone that’s in the music video is from the Kootenay region too, so I think that’s really cool,” she said.

Payton Mckeller who played the boyfriend/ex-boyfriend role is one of Zibin’s friends. Those who appeared in the crowd in the Element scene were recruited through ads and Facebook.

Zibin’s band Yanive Feiner, Colton Low, Cameron Low and Steven Wasilenkoff also appeared in the Element scenes.

Zibin has posted the video on YouTube and there is a link on the Reiss Zibin Music Facebook page. She and her dad have also contacted Much Music about picking up the video.

“We’re just waiting to hear back and we’re just hoping for the best for that too,” she said.

Zibin is currently in studio recording her second album, which she hopes to release in February 2016, and is planning a tour for next summer.


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