Celebrate spring with songs and pictures

Come out and celebrate international goodwill and conservation, with the Crown of the Continent choir from Kalispell, Montana.

Come out and celebrate international goodwill and conservation, with the Crown of the Continent choir from Kalispell, Montana.

In honour of the sounds of nature that accompany the turn of the seasons, the 60-voice Crown of the Continent Choir and their select group, The Headwaters Ensemble, are embarking on a circuit around the Crown, wrapping Waterton-Glacier in song.

Their voices are accompanied on this journey by the unparalleled images of Steven Gnam, a talented fine-art photographer whose scenes from Waterton-Glacier are quite simply stunning. His astonishing images, combined with soaring choral arrangements, emerge like a wonder of spring colour to honour the season.

Beginning at Glacier Park’s historic Lake McDonald Lodge, then travelling through Waterton, Pincher Creek and Fernie, the presentation celebrates 100 years of international peace and goodwill across borders. It also serves as tribute to a century of transboundary conservation in this remarkable mountain intersection of Alberta, British Columbia and Montana.

The Crown of the Continent Choir is a Kalispell-based community choir, directed by Kevin Allen-Schmid. They sing in celebration of our tremendous landscapes, our protected parks, and also for the sheer fun of it. Steven Gnam is a Whitefish native who, in turning his lens to the Crown’s wonders, has presented us the gift of his unequaled artistic vision. Together, they provide a passport to Waterton-Glacier as you’ve never seen it, or heard it, before.

The performances come courtesy of the Crown Choir and Mr. Gram, with support from the National Parks Conservation Association and Wildsight.

Join them on Sunday at 4 p.m. at The Arts Station, Fernie.


The Free Press