Nelson music students celebrated Canadian music earlier this month.

Nelson music students celebrated Canadian music earlier this month.

Celebrating Canadian music in Nelson

The Nelson Branch of the BC Registered Music Teachers and their students celebrated a day of Canadian music on November 17.

Canada Music week was initiated in 1960 to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Association.

Canada Music Week is dedicated to music in its fullest sense, but since 1967, particular focus has been on the Canadian cultural content. Canada Music Week is celebrated during the third week of November. Thousands of Canadians experience Canada Music Week festivities each year in their communities.

Canada Music Week aims to support composers and performers of Canadian music, to stimulate a keener appreciation and understanding of contemporary music and to encourage music educators to widen their knowledge and experience of Canadian works.

The Nelson Branch of the BC Registered Music Teachers and their students celebrated a day of Canadian music on November 17. Violin, harp and piano students prepared pieces by Canadian composers and presented them for adjudicator Tammy Francis of Castlegar.

Francis gave lots of energetic feedback and ideas to the students and teachers. A highlight was two local students who performed their own compositions. In the evening, selected students performed their pieces for an appreciative audience.


Nelson Star