If you are a man who has sung for years or would like to start, give the new non-auditioned Celebration Men’s Chorus a try. Photo submitted

If you are a man who has sung for years or would like to start, give the new non-auditioned Celebration Men’s Chorus a try. Photo submitted

Celebration Men’s Chorus hitting the right notes

On Monday April 9 the Celebration Singers will launch their new musical adventure - a Celebration Men's Chorus.

On Monday April 9 the Celebration Singers will launch their new musical adventure – a Celebration Men’s Chorus.

Men who sing in choirs say they enjoy the art of singing, they find the music beautiful and they appreciate the sense of unity that singing in a group provides. Men with a deeper voice have the chance to exercise that part of their range that is rarely required in normal conversation – deep, rich and resonant vibration.

The challenge of singing in harmony, and the pleasure of singing in a group also draw men to choirs. Men who have sung in men’s’ choirs experienced a strong sense of fellowship with other men and enjoyed the rich sound that men’s choral music is famous for.

Whether you are a man who has sung for years, or would like to start, come and give our new non-auditioned chorus a try.

Carol Anne Parkinson, well-known singer and choral director will lead the chorus, and the Comox Valley master of keys, Sean Mooney, will be at the piano. Practices will be held at the Queenesh Elementary School Music Room, 2345 Mission Rd in Courtenay

Practise dates/time: April 9, April 16, April 23, April 30, May 7, 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., plus a dress rehearsal on May 10. Celebration Choirs concert date: May 11 at the Sid Williams Theatre.

Dues: $50 Come early to the first practice to complete registration and pay dues.

To register online go to celebrationsingers.ca For more information visit our website of contact Bob at 780-740-5477 or rbtudell@gmail.com

Comox Valley Record