Fiddler Shona La Mottee joined Tim Readman and Out of the Green on Saturday night at Harrison Memorial Hall. The concert was timed to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Next on the Harrison Festival Society's spring concert roster is the Jesse Peters Trio, April 14.

Fiddler Shona La Mottee joined Tim Readman and Out of the Green on Saturday night at Harrison Memorial Hall. The concert was timed to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Next on the Harrison Festival Society's spring concert roster is the Jesse Peters Trio, April 14.

Celtic roots: Readman and La Mottee perform on St. Patty’s Day

Celtic group brought traditional sounds to Harrison Memorial Hall

Fiddler Shona La Mottee joined Tim Readman and Out of the Green on Saturday night at Harrison Memorial Hall. The concert was timed to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Next on the Harrison Festival Society’s spring concert roster is the Jesse Peters Trio, April 14.

Agassiz Observer