Central Saanich endorses theatre study

Councillor Niall Paltiel assumes role in latest of official shows of support.

Support is growing for a project to replace Stelly’s theatre.

Support is growing for a project to replace Stelly’s theatre.

The dream of having a world-class theatre at Stelly’s Secondary could be one step closer to being realized.

At a recent Central Saanich council meeting, Ron Broda, president of The Society for the Community Arts Theatre at Stelly’s, appealed to mayor and council to endorse the Society’s efforts to commission a feasibility study to explore hard facts and options.

The Society has done a lot of footwork, said Broda, but they need expertise now to determine what type and size of project is actually possible.

Board of Education chair Victoria Martin, school trustee Tim Dunford and Stelly’s vice-principal Tina Pierik all came along to show their support, demonstrating that the project has gained ardent supporters in the community.

Council voted unanimously to support – in principle – the study, and appointed Councillor Niall Paltiel as the official liaison to the project.

“It’s a significant recognition that it’s a worthwhile project,” said Broda.

School District 63 (Saanich) had already appointed trustee Barb Menzies as an official liaison, and are currently deliberating a request for funding from the Society.

Broda has been invited to present on the project at the School District’s budget advisory meeting tonight (Wednesday, March 25) at 7 p.m. at Bayside Middle School. The final decision whether SD63 will contribute funding will likely be made by April 29, he added.

For more information, visit theatreatstellys.com.

Peninsula News Review