Students and instructors from Central Valley Academy of Music recently held their year-end concert. (Photo by Joel Nickel)

Students and instructors from Central Valley Academy of Music recently held their year-end concert. (Photo by Joel Nickel)

Central Valley Academy of Music hosts year-end concert

Event held recently at Matsqui Centennial Auditorium in Abbotsford

The Central Valley Academy of Music recently held its year-end concert at Matsqui Centennial Auditorium in Abbotsford.

Students performed selections on the piano, violin, cello, guitar and woodwinds, as well as singing.

Pictured in the above photo are:

– Front row (from left): Janae Lamb, Angelina Dodd, Luisa Wiebe, Grace Lee, Jace Bartlett, Penny Dodd, Jake David, Elliot Wakelin and Brenden Pandala

– Second row: Julia Bartlett, Shelby Peters, Lilah Warren and Brandon Saran

– Third row: Nancy Bias (violin instructor), Julie Jeong, Irene Lin, Wendy Lin, Mikayla Krahn, Ben Goheen, Joshua Wakelin, Joseph Bojczuk, Alexander Maier (woodwinds and brass instructor), Aliya Kani, Annaleen van Dijk, Madeleine Marcotte, Diane Petkau (piano instructor) and Ina van Dijk (CVAM board member)

– Fourth row: Stan Gubiotti (Violin Instructor), Adele Lofgren (piano and violin instructor), Beth Nickel, Nadia Dodd, Julia Towes, Kenji Noftle, Jared Beukers, Debbie Bonar (piano instructor), Eran Vooys (drums instructor), Myles Ferrie, Rob Herrett (guitar instructor), Bryan Jasper (guitar instructor), James Bishop and John Bishop.

– Fifth row: Aidan Tanis and James Bonar

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