(Submitted photo)

Changes made to B.C. Culture Days 3D Street Art Project for Kids event in Parksville

Dates changed for two events, one postponed

Several events for B.C. Culture Days in Parksville have changed.

Jennifer Bate, an organizer of the events and executive director for the McMillan Arts Centre (MAC), said that dates for two of the events have changed and one has been postponed.

The 3D Street Art Project for Kids, originally planned for Sept. 12, was rescheduled to Sunday, Sept. 19, and will be held at the MAC from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.

As this event is a public group project, the MAC is calling for young artists aged eight to 16 years old to participate. No artistic experience is required, but parents with young artists under 12 will be asked to accompany them to the event.

For the project, each artist will be presented a portion of a larger image, condensed into a ‘paint-by-numbers’ grid to collaboratively create a single 3D image.

READ MORE: McMillan Arts Centre to host BC Culture Days in Parksville, without city funds

The Exquisite Corpse Project event has also changed dates.

Originally planned for the last week of September, it has now been changed to a single date event on Saturday, Oct. 2, and will be held at the Quality Foods Upstairs Lounge in Parksville.

For this event, several artists will work together to create a single image, however, each artist will have no idea what the previous artist created and will only be prompted by continuing the lines from the covered image before it.

The Cancel Cancer Culture Bedazzle BRA Fundraiser, where designers will decorate a bra and visitors can vote on their favourite piece by donation, will remain from Oct. 1 until Oct. 31, and will be held at the MAC.

The Society of Canadian Artists Digital Exhibit and Competition will still be held from Sept. 24 until Oct. 24 in the MAC media gallery. The exhibit, in its digital form, will feature works of all mediums, from sculpture to photography, and will be the first of its kind in Western Canada.

In an email to PQB News, Bate advised that the Island Shorts Film Festival has been postponed until the end of the year but remains hopeful that it will be held in Spring 2022.


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