Samantha Currie, seen here in a local production, is one of the entertainers who will be performing during “Once Upon A Night,” the gala fundraiser for the Chemainus Theatre, on Nov. 16.

Samantha Currie, seen here in a local production, is one of the entertainers who will be performing during “Once Upon A Night,” the gala fundraiser for the Chemainus Theatre, on Nov. 16.

Chemainus Theatre fundraiser celebrates local art

The "Once Upon A Night" fundraising gala Nov. 16 at the Chemainus Theatre features local entertainment and a silent auction.

Chemainus Theatre’s gala fundraiser “Once Upon A Night” will raise the curtain the night of Saturday, Nov. 16.

The gala will feature a wide selection of artists, as well as a silent auction table, with all money raised going towards the functions of the theatre itself.

“‘Once Upon A Night’ is about storytelling and celebrating the arts, and we are fundraising to benefit the theatre,” said project manager Jennifer Lee Fairweather.

Earlier this year, Chemainus Theatre received a number of donated pieces of Arthur Vickers artwork valued at $100,000, explained Fairweather.

Vickers is a well-renowned Vancouver Island artist based in Cowichan Bay, and his work is based on Canada’s West Coast.

Ten of the art pieces have been placed in an online auction that is underway in the lead up to the gala, and that auction closes the night before the show.

The night of the gala, Fairweather explained, a “super silent auction” will be available for the audience to browse and spend on, as well as a variety of live entertainment from artists such as Samantha Currie and jazz vocalist Zandra Burns.

Asked why specifically people should come to this particular gala, Fairweather said, “From the point of view of the people [coming], they’ll be able to be around people who support the Chemainus Theatre and do so themselves.”

“It’s a great opportunity to have a wonderful evening and do some Christmas shopping via our silent auction as well,” she added. “We’ve had tremendous support from a lot of local businesses who have donated merchandise and vouchers.”

The funds raised will also help support an education and outreach program, according to Fairweather, as well as specific theatre needs.

“This will help us to continue to attract the best talent available to the Chemainus Theatre, be it directors, designers, actors or artists,” she said. “Lots of resources, time and energy go into a theatre production, and the Chemainus Theatre has built up a reputation of being an outstanding one.”

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. the night of Nov. 16, and tickets are $40 and are available from the box office at 250-246-9820

Ladysmith Chronicle