Chiwid Transition House fundraising concert organizers Marion Corless (left), Lindy LaPointe, Jennifer Johnston, Rev. Kristen Dobyns, Tamara Garreau (representing Chiwid Transition House), Rev. Keith Dobyns, Stacy Wright, Sherry Day (pianist), Canon John Bos, Cecilia Newman, Win Gooding, Jeanie Vant, Ingrid Mapson (soloist), and Brian LaPointe were thrilled with the success of the concert. Norma Bos was also involved in putting on the event hosted by St. Peter’s Anglican Church but is not in the picture.

Chiwid Transition House fundraising concert organizers Marion Corless (left), Lindy LaPointe, Jennifer Johnston, Rev. Kristen Dobyns, Tamara Garreau (representing Chiwid Transition House), Rev. Keith Dobyns, Stacy Wright, Sherry Day (pianist), Canon John Bos, Cecilia Newman, Win Gooding, Jeanie Vant, Ingrid Mapson (soloist), and Brian LaPointe were thrilled with the success of the concert. Norma Bos was also involved in putting on the event hosted by St. Peter’s Anglican Church but is not in the picture.

Chiwid concert a huge success

Canadian Mezzo Soprano Ingrid Mapson delighted the lakecity audience with her concert last week.

Canadian Mezzo Soprano Ingrid Mapson delighted the lakecity audience with her concert last week that ended with a standing ovation and an encore.

The concert was held Sunday, Oct. 19 at St. Peter’s Anglican Church as a fundraiser for Chiwid Transition House and raised almost $1,000 of which half will be donated to Chiwid House, says Lindy LaPointe, one of the event organizers.

“Concert goers enjoyed an afternoon of beautiful music and also learned something of the important role that the Chiwid Transition House plays in our community,” LaPointe said.

Tamara Garreau, the Cariboo Friendship Society’s children who witness abuse co-ordinator was among many community members sending letters of thanks to Mapson for the concert.

“I believe your powerful performance moved people’s hearts and encouraged them to be even more generous with their donations towards a great cause,” Garreau said.

“The funds will be directly used to better the lives of the women and children accessing the services of the Chiwid Transition House. The funds will help provide women and children with the necessities required to begin a new life free of domestic violence.

“This wonderful event also raised the awareness about abuse in relationships and that there is help available to the woman and children who deal with this issue on a daily basis.”

Mapson, who makes her home at 108 Mile, but travels all over Canada to perform solo and with various orchestras, was thrilled with the local response to her performance and the congratulatory e-mails she has received since then.

“I really enjoyed connecting with the listeners and seeing them respond,” Mapson said. “That is what I feel it is all about.”

Community leaders were equally thrilled with the opportunity to see Mapson in a local concert.

“It is one thing to have an incredible voice, but another to entertain as well,” commented Marg Evans, Community Arts Council of Williams Lake president. “It was, as you could tell by the audience standing ovation, a real hit!”

St. Peter’s clergy Keith and Kris Dobyns say they were delighted to host the concert.

“Not only is the work of Chiwid House close to our hearts, but what a show,” they commented. “Ingrid has an incredible voice and she wowed the audience with the breadth of her repertoire. We are so grateful to her and to all who made this benefit possible.”

Harry Jennings, president of the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society, singer and theatrical performer in his own right, was equally impressed.

“Ingrid’s performance demonstrated a fine vocal range, eclectic musical variety and a welcome enthusiasm in delivering her selections. Cameos by Ingrid’s son, and her turns on flute and piano were enjoyable demonstrations of broad instrumental talent to go with a beautiful voice and a beautiful performer.”

Sage Birchwater who wrote the book Chiwid, for whom the Chiwid Transition House was named also expessed his awe at Mapson’s talent.

“I was impressed with the professional quality of her singing and the range of the songs she sang,” Birchwater said. “I didn’t realize we had such talent in our area.”

Birchwater said he was pleased to see that the concert organizers gave Mapson and her accompanist Sherry Day a copy of the Chiwid book (now in its fourth printing) because a portion of every sale of the book goes to Chiwid Transition House.

He said it was also fun to hear her sing everything from blues to opera, musicals to hymns, songs such as Can’t Help Lovin’ that Man of Mine, New York, New York, Route 66, Summertime and Danny Boy.

“I haven’t ever heard Danny Boy sung so well,” Birchwater said.

Williams Lake Tribune