Choir brings flavour of Russia

The Academic Students’ Choir of the Ural Federal University performs at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 8 at First United Church

The Academic Students’ Choir of the Ural Federal University performs at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 8 at First United Church.

The choir from Ekaterinburg, Russia is comprised of students, including graduate and post-graduate students, from different faculties of the university and is a regular participant in regional, all-Russian, international contests, festivals and master-classes.

The choir performs with solo concerts both in Russia and abroad in many famous cathedrals and concert halls including Vienna’s International Centre, Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris, Eglise Saint-Pierre de Montmartre, one of the oldest churches in Paris, Russian center of science and culture in Prague, Vega Hall (Takarazuka, Japan) and St. Petersburg State Academic Capella.

The choir is a winner of six Grand-Prix, 17 gold prizes, four silver and two bronze prizes in international festivals at home and in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Macedonia and Japan.

The choir has recorded three solo CDs – 2010’s Alleluia, Memories in 2011 and the latest,  Faces of Friends.

Conductor Svetlana Dolnikovskaya is a well-known musician of the Ural region of Russia. She grew up and received musical education in Ekaterinburg. She is known to incorporate creative and unusual interpretations of popular compositions with an emotional richness.

In July 2009, Dolnikovskaya was awarded with a special prize and diploma as Best Conductor at the International Youth Choral Festival in Bratislava and a special prize from the Mayor of Vienna for best choir of 38 entrants.

Tickets at $12 for adults and $10 for students and seniors are available at the door. For more information, contact the church office at 250-832-3860.



Salmon Arm Observer