Choir leader shares Moments to Remember

Molly Boyd conducts her last concert with the Vernon Community Singers at its upcoming spring concert, April 26 and 27.

Vernon's Molly Boyd leads the Vernon Community Singers at their Christmas concert in December. The choir director is stepping down after 16 years after the group's spring concert next weekend.

Vernon's Molly Boyd leads the Vernon Community Singers at their Christmas concert in December. The choir director is stepping down after 16 years after the group's spring concert next weekend.

She’s been at the helm of Greater Vernon’s largest choir, waving her baton with that infectious smile for the past 16 years. And now, Molly Boyd is taking a step back from the podium from her leadership role with  the Vernon Community Singers.

Although she will continue to sing with the group, Boyd conducts her last concert with the Singers at its upcoming spring concert, Friday and Saturday.

Aptly titled Moments to Remember, the concert will be a nostalgic look back over the years, as the choir celebrates its 20th anniversary.

“The program will include many favourites and, of course, some shenanigans,” said Boyd.

Joining the choir as a special guest will be the Singers’ founder and original leader Paul Hunter, who will sing with his barbershop quartet, Some Other Time. Also performing will be Ancora, a women’s ensemble directed by Terry Logan, who will be taking over for Boyd as the new leader of the Vernon Community Singers in September.

“It is a really nice transition from Paul to me and to Terry,” said Boyd. “Terry brings a wealth of knowledge and talent, and it will be fun singing with her.”

A fixture on both the Vernon and Whistler choral scene for many years, Boyd’s first experience directing choirs was with All Saints Anglican Church’s Junior Choir. She also directed the Whistler Singers and the Whistler Children’s Chorus before coming back to Vernon to take over the Singers in 1997.

Since then, the group has grown to more than 100 members and is non-auditioned.

“Everyone who wishes to sing can join,” said Boyd, adding the choir has also provided money from its concerts to a number of musical and youth projects in the form of scholarships and donations over the years.

“This past year, over $6,000 was donated throughout the community,” she said. “Many of these points attracted Terry’s decision to take over the choir. She likes the philosophy and the spirit and enthusiasm the group has.”

Besides performing with the Singers, Boyd also plans to continue to play piano in Vernon’s Chilly Creakers, with her husband Sandy, as well as in Songs of the War Years, with singer Sally Evans. She also shares choir and organ duties at All Saints Anglican Church with her longtime friend and “partner in music” Marjorie Close, who will accompany the Vernon Community Singers in their spring concert.

Moments to Remember is at Trinity United Church Friday, April 26 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, April 27 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10 available from the Schubert Centre and from choir members.



Vernon Morning Star