Choirs pair in Cowichan for Black History Month concert

They’ve planned a special concert, entitled Freedom Is A’callin, at the Christian Reformed Church starting at 2 p.m.

These choristers combine fun and effort in producing great gospel sounds.

These choristers combine fun and effort in producing great gospel sounds.

Black music has left an indelible mark on the culture of North America and the Duncan Freedom Gospel Choir and the Victoria Freedom Gospel Choir are getting together to celebrate Black History month on Saturday, Feb. 4.

They’ve planned a special concert, entitled Freedom Is A’callin, at the Christian Reformed Church starting at 2 p.m.

Each choir will sing their own repertoire and then join together for two songs, guaranteed to raise the roof.

Valley singer/songwriter Cara McCandless is also joining the show, singing several gospel-related songs and accompanying the combined choirs on the bass guitar.

Many of the songs express the yearning of slaves for freedom and their hope for a better life in heaven.

The selections range from laments and code songs, such as Steal Away, Go Down Moses, and Down to The River to Pray, to contemporary numbers, such as Operator, Oh Happy Day, and South African freedom movement and American civil rights songs.

In all, an afternoon of music to stir the spirit.

The Duncan Freedom Gospel Choir was started in September 2013 by director Ann Antonides and is well known as a lively, community minded group. Accompanist Tanya Gillespie has arranged and written numerous songs for the choir, which is sponsored by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church,

The Victoria choir began in 2015 after two Victoria fans asked Antonides to start a similar choir there. Both choirs are 42 members strong.

Organizers are promising an informative and entertaining show. Tickets ($15 each for anyone over 12 while kids get in free) are available from choir members, or at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church office on Tuesday to Friday mornings, and at the door.

Cowichan Valley Citizen