Christmas fairy tale play debuts in Kelowna

SNOW! A Frosty Fairy Tale will play in Kelowna Nov. 26 through 29.

An original Christmas fable script by two Kelowna playwrights and musicians will premiere here on Nov. 26 at Kelowna Community Theatre.

“SNOW! A Frosty Fairy Tale” is written by Kim Foreman-Rhindress and Jim Rhindress.

“We wanted to create an original script that would capture the imaginations of the children while still entertaining their parents,” said Jim. “Plus, not just entertain them but also give them an opportunity to participate during the show while entertaining them.

It’s been a lot of fun writing SNOW. We have written lots of songs together but this is the first complete script,”added Kim, who will be directing the play along with her husband.

The result of this couple’s combined creativity is a fast moving and colourful fairy tale of the Snow Sisters—Chillette, Frostina and Flakella— as they struggle to save winter from their cousin Fiero and his sisters with the help of Jack Frost and Mother Nature.

The play will also feature performances by several local community groups including M.A.S.K., The White Sails Chorus, Kitsch ‘n Sync and Mystic Dance.

“We wanted to create a show that could incorporate many talented groups from Kelowna and give them a forum where they can do what they do best on a big stage,” said Kim.

The play will run at 7 p.m. Nov. 26 through 29, with matinees Saturday and Sunday only at 2 p.m. Tickets available at, Prospera Place box office, or call 250-762-5050.


Kelowna Capital News