Citizens For Safe Technology promote film

Members of Citizens For Safe Technology warn agains the new "smart grid" and BC Hydro's replacement of analogue meters with "smart meters."

Citizens for Safe Technology invite residents to a screening of the film, Take Back the Power Friday, Nov. 15 at the Salmar Classic.

The film, by B.C. filmmaker Josh del Sol, provides an in-depth investigation into the multifaceted smart meter program with experts and researchers providing evidence of the impacts of this grid.

The film examines BC Hydro’s replacement of analog meters with ‘smart’ meters, with an accompanying advertising campaign hailing them as a ‘necessary upgrade’ and a benefit to all.

Lower rates and efficient access to the new, safe grid were promised as a way to reduce power outages and make monitoring easier.

“The vast majority of B.C. residents seemingly took BC Hydro at their word simply accepting the changes,” says film promoter Chris Madsen, who says the public did not have time to become informed or debate in an open forum.

Citizens for Safe Technology maintain  smart meters pose a significant threat to consumers’ privacy, security and well being.


The movie runs at 7 p.m. Tickets Are $10 at the door, and advance tickets are available by calling 250-550-5499.



Salmon Arm Observer