City Sightings

Imagine it: some folks love to go to the city to shop!  We do travel to cities – but we aren’t city people by any means!  We visit our fine friends and relatives, do what you can do only in cities, and then leave for our rural home in Clearwater with some relief.  However, there is always something of interest to discover.  In Kelowna we stayed recently at the Recreation Inn, its name coming from the Recreation area beside it, which I explored.  This was a perfect example of the wonderful facilities cities provide – with playing fields of every kind outside and swimming pools, hot tub, exercise rooms, banquet rooms and much more inside.  A soccer game was in progress and folks were arriving with their large exercise balls.  But there was more than this to discover…


Strolling through the grounds on that early morning I was looking for exercise – and anything else.  I found more wildlife than expected.  The mallards, pairing off, were munching the grass – either seated or standing; others were in the small creek or coming in for their typical feet-first landing.  Atop a pole that was part of a fence around the

batting cage, a nest of sticks was balanced on a small platform with a hawk perched nearby.  Robins, a flicker and other spring birds were enjoying the sunshine with me.  A raven with twigs in its mouth flew to a tree-top and I peered upwards looking in vain for a nest.  A second bird appeared, also carrying twigs, and they changed trees!  I wondered how this domestic matter was going to be settled, and John and I chuckled as we imagined the possible “discussion” between the two birds.  Meantime, the noisy traffic was whizzing along Harvey Street just a block away.  Later, heading south on busy Highway 97 near Westbank, I saw, on a log in a pond that was not much more than a puddle, a turtle – its head held high to catch the rays of sun that came and went that day.  Obviously many wild critters do live without fear within the city limits.


Visiting The Big Cities at the coast is both a treat and a test of my driving skills!  A recent visit did not disappoint us in any way, for there was much to discover close to “downtown”.  In Victoria, our B&B was only three blocks from the Parliament Buildings, and an easy walk to Beacon Hill Park with its ponds full of “ducky things,” primroses, daffodils growing wild, and trails.  The sight of a large Canadian flag flying high on the hill drew me up to where I could see, and quickly access, the salt water.  Lots of people, young and older, were out enjoying that sunny day.  (Earlier we had driven off the ferry into a snowstorm!)   Cormorants, mergansers and other water birds entertained us unconcernedly while float planes flew overhead every few minutes – another fine juxtaposition of nature and the city.  Mile 0 of the TransCanada and the Terry Fox marker were nearby.  Cherry and plum trees were in bloom, so pink and white avenues were a delight to stroll along on my way back to our B&B, beside lovely heritage homes and buildings.

Later, we walked to the Inner Harbour to avail ourselves of city opportunities: bookstores, seafood, and a talented young street entertainer, juggling fire and knives accompanied by his hilarious commentary.  Ah yes – I confess it – there are good things about going to the city!


Clearwater Times