CLT encourages future stars with ‘Find Your Light Night’

Part of its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 24

Courtenay Little Theatre is hosting a “Find Your Light Night” as part of its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 24 at 7 p.m.

Members and guests, who wish to, may sign up to perform short, two minute or less     pieces of their choice in front of an appreciative audience.

There are still a few spots open, so sign up by contacting, or come with a piece (memorized or not) ready to go and see if there’s room on the program that night.

The evening will start with refreshments at 7 p.m., followed by a short meeting open to members and non-members. Performances will begin by 7:45 and end by 8:30.  Admission is by donation to the CLT bursary fund at the door, 1625 McPhee Ave. in Courtenay.  Come, be part of the audience, maybe do a short piece and perhaps help discover a new talent.


Comox Valley Record