Coffee House celebrates with open stage

With the year drawing to a close, the Sooke Folk Music Society is eager to bring in as many shows as it can before calling it 2017.

With the year drawing to a close, the Sooke Folk Music Society is eager to bring in as many shows as it can before calling it 2017.

This month, the society is featuring an open stage evening for its Coffee House night, with the first half of the evening comprising of a list of “open stagers” on a first come, first serve basis.

The second half will be a “by invitation only” selection of three acts: Group Therapy, Paul Winfield and Friends, as well as Dave Gallant and Friends.

The society is also wishing all of its “folkies” and everyone in the Sooke community a very happy holiday season and all the best for the coming year.

“We want to thank all of you who come out and support live music here in Sooke,” said Coffee House coordinator Dave Gallant. “We will continue in our efforts to bring the best in entertainment to our community.”

Gallant added that it’s been a good year with lots of fine music including its first concert of the season with Cindy Church and Nathan Tinkham, and is looking forward to more excellent music for 2017.

To show its Christmas spirit as well, the Society will also support the Sooke Food Bank and would request everyone to bring along one or more non-perishable food items at the time of the Coffee House concert.

The concert is Saturday (Dec. 17) at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church on Murray Road in Sooke for a night of music that is sure to include some seasonal favourites. Doors open a 7 p.m. with the show commencing at 7:30.

“Be sure to bring along your singing voices,” Gallant said.


Sooke News Mirror