Collective launches second Anthology of written works

New anthology provides a fine collection of short stories, poems and other written works from within the Sooke community

A second publication has emerged this year from talented writers of the Sooke Writers Collective, known as Anthology Two.

The 113-page book features a collection of short stories, poetry, memoirs and non-fiction from well-known authors to students and emerging authors, all of whom are from the Sooke region.

Highlights include a short story from A. Y. Dorsey’s “The Crossing Dance”, from artist and poet D. L Clay, three delightful samples of poetry from the recently created chapbook, On Location, featuring poems about Vancouver Island.

The anthology also includes the winning entries from the Edward Milne Community School 2015 student writing contest, authors Kara Lebold, Mikayla Sharf, Morganne Orchard, Jessica Thompson, and Heidi Anderson.

Last but not least, noted local historical author Bard van den Berk expands on one of the fascinating characters featured in The History of Leechtown in “Tomo Antoine”.

Before the Collective, there was the Sooke Scribblers, founded by Shirley Skidmore, providing members with writing talk, feedback and mutual support.

The initial idea was to gather writers of every genre to provide community support and writing practice for all other writers in the Sooke region (East Sooke, Sooke, Otter Point and Shirley).

Readers can find Words and Imaginings for $12 at the Barking Dog Studio, The Reading Room bookstore, the Sooke Region Museum, Well Read Books and online at

Proceeds from the sales go to support future Edward Milne Community School student writing contests and a 2016 anthology.

The work of contest winners is included in the anthology. Membership is $20 a year and includes publication in the annual print anthology and the chance for writing feedback from the community.


Sooke News Mirror