Comedy for Life comes to Fort Langley

An evening of fun aids youth with serious problems.

Chief Sepass Theatre will host the second annual LOL For Life Night of Comedy to benefit youth through Suicide Prevention, Education and Counselling (SPEAC) on Saturday Nov. 28.

Lower Mainland comedians Ivan Decker, Jamie Hutchinson, Patrick Maliha, Larke Miller, and Erica Sigurdson will perform at the event which was created by the theatre’s manager, Kevin Statham, in response to the passing of Robin Williams in 2014.

“Last year’s event was quite successful and raised some much needed funds for SPEAC,” Statham said. “Even though it is a relatively small event, LOL For Life does what it can to support the youth of Langley, Surrey, and White Rock.”

SPEAC provides suicide risk assessment, urgent-response and short-term counselling for children and youth.

Tickets for the show at 8 p.m. on Saturday at the Chief Sepass Theatre (9096 Trattle St. in Fort Langley) are $20 in advance through, or in person at Wendel’s Books and Cafe and Langley Fine Arts School. Tickets at the door will be $25.


Langley Advance