Community audition call for Oliver

G.W. Graham and Newbury Art Concepts invite the entire community to audition for Oliver, The Musical - auditions are Jan. 4, 5, and 6.

G.W. Graham Secondary School and Newbury Art Concepts are teaming up for a community production, Oliver. Producer Damon Fultz (left) and Director Randy Newbury hold auditions Jan. 4, 5, and 6.

G.W. Graham Secondary School and Newbury Art Concepts are teaming up for a community production, Oliver. Producer Damon Fultz (left) and Director Randy Newbury hold auditions Jan. 4, 5, and 6.

Men and women, boys and girls – all are invited to take part in something big.

G.W. Graham is teaming up with Newbury Art Concepts for their biggest collaborative production to date.

In the past, they’ve brought Chilliwack’s theatre community together for Bye Bye Birdie, and The Murder Room. Now – they’re at it again with Oliver, The Musical.

Based on novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, this musical will require a cast of at least 50 people – of all ages.

“The design of it is to have adults playing adult roles, and kids playing kids’ roles,” says producer Damon Fultz.

“And it really speaks to what this theatre is supposed to be about: partnerships between the community and the school.”

Director Randy Newbury says that community-wide productions provide a great opportunity for mentorship as well.

“We have really strong, talented, skilled people who are working with us,” says Susan Newbury.

Many of the participating adults have extensive theatre experience, and can shed a light on the industry for young performers who are thinking about theatre as a career.

“It’ll broaden their horizons,” says Randy.

Several of the teens who took part in Bye Bye Birdie or The Murder Room have went on to pursue further education in theatre school.

The Newburys and Fultz know Oliver well. All have acted in Oliver in the past, and Fultz has directed it twice.

In addition to providing ample opportunities for people of all ages to act and sing, Oliver has great, recognizable music, a strong storyline, and many avenues for artistic expression – through fun choreography, period costumes, and an intriguing set design.

Auditions take place in the new year at G.W. Graham theatre (45955 Thomas Road) on Jan. 4 beginning at 2:30 p.m., as well as Jan. 5 and 6 beginning at 7 p.m.

Those who are interested in performing should be prepared to read lines and perform a song, preferably from musical theatre.

“If you have some experience, that’s great,” says Randy. “But this production is designed to give everybody an opportunity.”

Orchestra members, set builders, and backstage crew are needed as well.

If you have any questions about the production or need to schedule an audition outside of the above hours, contact Randy at 604-997-7364.

Show dates will run from May 25 to June 4, 2016.


Chilliwack Progress