St. Peter's Church in Comox is hosting a Christmas music sing-along Sunday, Dec. 15. Stock image.

St. Peter's Church in Comox is hosting a Christmas music sing-along Sunday, Dec. 15. Stock image.

Comox church hosting Christmas song sing-along

Music is as central to the Christmas season as food, family and friends.

Music is as central to the Christmas season as food, family and friends.

And music in a place of peace and beauty does so much to keep the busyness at bay and centre the spirit on the deep meanings of this time of year.

St. Peter’s Church on Church Street in Comox is such a place, and as in many years before, it will resound with instruments and voices at a Carol Sing-Along on Sunday, Dec. 15 at 2 p.m.

Whether your tastes run to “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” or “Sleigh bells Ring, Are You Listening,” you will likely find favourites in this hour of music and readings. Christmas refreshments will follow in the hall afterwards.

The theme of this time of song is “the Promise of Christmas.” That promise is for hope, joy, peace and love, and as the afternoon unfolds, each will be featured.

In this time when cynicism, conflict and fear for the future seem never too far from our consciousness, we need all the help we can get to keep perspective and retain hope.

On Christmas Eve, St. Peter’s will present a Family Nativity Service from 4-4:30, followed by a Communion Service from 4:45 to 5:30. The day concludes with a Candle-Light Communion Service from 11 p.m. to midnight.

Comox Valley Record