Re-Collections is an accumulation of short stories by the Group of Glacier Writers who live and write in the Comox Valley.

Comox Valley authors collaborate for ‘Re-Collections’

All profits from book sales go to 2 local charities

Re-Collections is an accumulation of short stories by the Group of Glacier Writers who live and write in the Comox Valley. The book is titled Re-Collections because most of the stories included have won awards or honourable mentions, or they have appeared in other publications or in other forms.

The subjects of the stories range from a dock rat, a priest, and death in a fishing village, to school friends getting into trouble on Labour Day, and everything in between. The tales will make readers smile with satisfaction as bullies get their comeuppance while some of the stories will bring tears as long-lost loves fail to connect or family secrets surface. Wit, humour, sentiment and passion fill this collection of short fiction.

Profits from the sale of the book will go to Habitat for Humanity and Anderton Gardens.

The book launch for Re-Collections is Saturday, Sept. 25 at 2 p.m., at Anderton Gardens, 2012 Anderton Road, Comox, behind Anderton Nurseries.

Everyone who attends the launch, which will be held outdoors under a tent, is eligible to win “Comox Glacier,” a framed painting by international artist, Pieter Molenaar, that graces the front cover of Re-Collections. The painting is valued at the gallery price of $1,100.

Please wear a mask and social distance whenever possible.

The Group of Glacier Writers include: Ken McBeath, Kathy Mason, Kunio Yamagishi, Penelope Rokeby, Sharon McInnes, Cathy M. Doyle, and Marlet Ashley.

The book is available online at, or by contacting Ashley, at

“We hope to have the book available through local bookstores when it arrives,” she said.

Comox Valley Record