Composition workshop attracted Canadian composer

Musicians and speech artists wow audience at Martin Exeter Hall

The 100 Mile House Performing Arts Society will be presenting the comedy Over the River & Through the Woods from Nov. 25 to Dec. 3.  The acting troupe has been rehearsing at St. Timothy's Anglican Church but relocated to Martin Exeter Hall on Nov. 15 and will rehearse there until opening night, says Karen Smith.   “Rehearsals are going excellently. It has been interesting to see the actors progress up until now.” Directed by husband-and-wife team Gordon and Karen Smith, the Joe DiPietro comedy is about the love of family. It takes place in a house in Hoboken, New Jersey and portrays the lives of two sets of grandparents and their grandson.  Nick Cristiano visits his loving grandparents for dinner every Sunday, a visit which is regulated by the tradition of three Fs: family, faith and food. Suddenly, the young business executive announces his plans to leave, Karen notes.    “Although it focuses on the grandparents, the fun doesn't really begin until their grandson announces that he is moving.” Nick is offered a job promotion in Seattle, far away from his grandparents.   His grandparents spend the rest of the play scheming comical ways to convince their grandson to stay in Hoboken.  It is not the first play that Gordon and Karen have directed together. They also directed The Art of Murder – another play by Joe DiPietro - that ran in 100 Mile House on Feb. 5-7,  2015. “We work well together,” Karen says. “My husband usually does the directing (and speaking) during the rehearsal. I quietly take notes and then discuss the play with him afterwards.  “Gordon had seen the play performed before and the theme of family really connected him.” Since Over the Hill and Through the Woods is set in a small town, it should especially resonate with 100 Mile House residents.  Tanner Bartsch plays Nick. Margot Shaw plays Ada. Eric Storteboom plays Frank. Chris Watkins plays Nunzio and Shelley Carrera plays Emma. Kelsey Schuurman plays Caitlin O'Hare.    All tickets are $15 and are available at Didi's Boutique and Donex Pharmacy & Department Store. If tickets are not sold out before opening night, they will be sold at the door.  For more information about the play, contact Kathy Wolczuk at 250-395-8836 or Donalda Speers at 250-706-0060.

The 100 Mile House Performing Arts Society will be presenting the comedy Over the River & Through the Woods from Nov. 25 to Dec. 3. The acting troupe has been rehearsing at St. Timothy's Anglican Church but relocated to Martin Exeter Hall on Nov. 15 and will rehearse there until opening night, says Karen Smith. “Rehearsals are going excellently. It has been interesting to see the actors progress up until now.” Directed by husband-and-wife team Gordon and Karen Smith, the Joe DiPietro comedy is about the love of family. It takes place in a house in Hoboken, New Jersey and portrays the lives of two sets of grandparents and their grandson. Nick Cristiano visits his loving grandparents for dinner every Sunday, a visit which is regulated by the tradition of three Fs: family, faith and food. Suddenly, the young business executive announces his plans to leave, Karen notes. “Although it focuses on the grandparents, the fun doesn't really begin until their grandson announces that he is moving.” Nick is offered a job promotion in Seattle, far away from his grandparents. His grandparents spend the rest of the play scheming comical ways to convince their grandson to stay in Hoboken. It is not the first play that Gordon and Karen have directed together. They also directed The Art of Murder – another play by Joe DiPietro - that ran in 100 Mile House on Feb. 5-7, 2015. “We work well together,” Karen says. “My husband usually does the directing (and speaking) during the rehearsal. I quietly take notes and then discuss the play with him afterwards. “Gordon had seen the play performed before and the theme of family really connected him.” Since Over the Hill and Through the Woods is set in a small town, it should especially resonate with 100 Mile House residents. Tanner Bartsch plays Nick. Margot Shaw plays Ada. Eric Storteboom plays Frank. Chris Watkins plays Nunzio and Shelley Carrera plays Emma. Kelsey Schuurman plays Caitlin O'Hare. All tickets are $15 and are available at Didi's Boutique and Donex Pharmacy & Department Store. If tickets are not sold out before opening night, they will be sold at the door. For more information about the play, contact Kathy Wolczuk at 250-395-8836 or Donalda Speers at 250-706-0060.

By Ginny-Lou Alexander

On Nov. 5, the 100 Mile Festival of the Arts sponsored a Composition Workshop, entitled “Getting Started” with clinician Anita Perry, a Canadian composer who lives in Summerland.

First, Anita brainstormed with the 24 participants (divided into three classes: beginner (ages six-nine), junior (ages 10-15) and senior/adult (ages 16-adult) to define “what is music?”

Next, she stimulated their creative musical juices by having them listen to different musical excerpts while looking at a wide array of pictures.

Finally, it came to the time when the students would compose or improvise their own music that would portray one of three things: the movie music for Rapunzel or Little Red Riding Hood; the character of their very best friend; or music inspired by a picture they had chosen.

There were six keyboards set up around the Martin Exeter Hall (MEH) and the students either worked alone or in pairs.

At the end of each class, the students came back together and played the music they had composed.

Anita’s comments were: “I can’t believe the creativity of these people. Their music brings tears to my eyes.”

Everybody came away from the workshop realizing that “Music can change the way you see things and the way you feel because music comes from the heart.”

It is hoped there will be a lot of budding Canadian composers now that they have ideas about how to get started.

Canadian Music Week recital

On Nov. 6, the 100 Mile Festival of the Arts sponsored a Canadian Music Week Recital at MEH.

Because MEH was not available later, the recital was scheduled two weeks ahead of Canada Music Week, which is celebrated every year around St. Cecilia’s birthday (Nov. 22) since she is the patron saint of music.

There was a great selection of mostly Canadian music, piano, vocal and instrumental, (but some Baroque and Classical music, too), and recitations of poetry written by Canadian authors.

Particularly fitting, in retrospect, was Joelle Waldner Kuyek’s playing of Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. He was a well-known, well-loved Canadian composer, who passed away on Nov. 10. When his passing was announced, it was his Hallelujah being played in the background.

The 100 Mile Festival of the Arts sponsors two recitals every year: this one in November and one in February, to give the students a chance to perform on the wonderful stage and piano at MEH, to work out some of the nervous kinks in front of a friendly audience, and to try out pieces that may be performed at the annual Festival of the Arts in April.

The Festival Committee is a small group of volunteers who work year-round to plan and prepare for the Festival.

If people are interested in helping out in any way, supporting the Festival, or for more information, please see our website at

100 Mile House Free Press