Langley artist and workshop instructor Lalita Hamill’s own portrait of herself at work in her studio. (File photo)

Composition workshop for artists offered online

South Surrey White Rock Art Society course also available to non-members

South Surrey and White Rock Art Society is opening up registration for non-members for one of its upcoming online workshops.

Exploring Composition, with sought-after instructor and artist Lalita Hamill – offered as a two-day Zoom workshop on Saturday, Feb. 20 and Saturday Feb. 27, (10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day) – was originally designed for the Federation of Canadian Artists.

In the course description, Hamill points out that few artists use the elements and principles of design to their full advantage in creating art works that are both engaging and memorable for their viewers.

The Langley-based artist, instructor and juror studied traditional painting methods with classically-trained instructors at the Vancouver Academy of Art, and is accomplished in oils, acrylics and watercolours.

A signature member of the Federation of Canadian Artists and an associate member of the Oil Painters of America, Hamill has been teaching for over 30 years, and has been facilitating public monthly critiques for 10 years.

The course begins, Hamill said, with participants taking on the role of a juror, assessing others’ paintings and photographs. Further exploration of key components of composition will provide greater understanding of terms and concepts and how they can be applied to the quality of each individual’s work.

On the second day of the workshop, participants will revisit the original paintings and photographs to see how their initial assessments may have changed, Hamill said.

Price is $150 for members and $175 for non-members.

For more information and to register, visit

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