Concert for Women’s Centre a huge success

Attendees raised more than $750 for 100 Mile & District Women’s Centre

Volunteers Heather Graham, left, Ashleigh Neiser and Amanda Bird gave up their time to help with the Women's Centre Society fundraiser on Sept. 16. They greeted attendee Sandy Craig and 75 others.

Volunteers Heather Graham, left, Ashleigh Neiser and Amanda Bird gave up their time to help with the Women's Centre Society fundraiser on Sept. 16. They greeted attendee Sandy Craig and 75 others.

Barbara Roden

Free Press

The theme was “country chic” – in honour of the Cariboo and its ranches – as Dirty Grace, a folk/R&B trio from southern British Columbia, performed at 100 Mile Community Hall on Sept. 16 in a concert to raise funds for the 100 Mile & District Women’s Centre Society.

More than 75 people attended the event that society executive director Sonja Ramsay says “was pulled together in less than two weeks.”

Volunteers donated their time and energy to make it happen, while others donated the refreshments and decorations, she adds.

“We’re really happy with it,” says office administrator Joyce Smeltzer.

“It was a wonderful success. Not only did we raise funds, but we came away with a box full of food donations.”

Dirty Grace – Betty Supple, Jesse Thom and Marley Daemon – were contacted by Ramsay, and were more than happy to stop in 100 Mile House on their way back to Vancouver.

We were on a short tour and Sonya asked if we’d be interested in performing, and we said yes,” says Supple. “It’s a wonderful event.”

The funds raised will go to support the Women’s Centre, which covers an area of some 20,000 people. Although the centre is only open 20 hours a week, Ramsay says the Society was able to help more than 5,000 people in 2014.

We provide legal aid, pro bono legal clinics, free print and fax services, and a Stop the Violence counselling program. We also have a safe house for women and children that provides emergency short term crisis intervention, as well as safe and free shelter.”


100 Mile House Free Press