Courtenay’s Evergreen Second Stage Players present Joint Owners in Pleasant Acres, April 26 and 27 at the Filberg Centre. Photo supplied.

Courtenay’s Evergreen Second Stage Players present Joint Owners in Pleasant Acres, April 26 and 27 at the Filberg Centre. Photo supplied.

Courtenay’s Evergreen Second Stage Players present spring theatre production

Joint Owners in Pleasant Acres, at the Florence Filberg Centre for two shows

Laughter and sunshine – the best cures for those leftover winter blues.

The Evergreen Second Stage Players can’t guarantee when the sun will shine, but they can guarantee to provide the laughter for anyone who attends their spring production, Joint Owners in Pleasant Acres, at the Florence Filberg Centre in Courtenay.

Joint Owners in Pleasant Acres is a comedy about two of the most undesirable ladies that reside in a retirement home. All the staff at the home, including the cook, are nearly ready to resign, when a photographer who has come to take pictures, comes up with a brilliant solution. The results are both surprising and heart-warming.

The cast, the crew and the director, Mary Burgess, have put in many hours perfecting this play. There will be two performances of Joint Owners in Pleasant Acres: Wednesday, April 25 at 2p.m. (Doors open at 1:30), and Thursday, April 26, at 7 p.m. (Doors open at 6:30), at the Florence Filberg Centre, Courtenay.

Tickets are $10 and are available at the Florence Filberg office or the door.

About the club

The drama club has been part of the Florence Filberg Centre for more than 20 years and through those years has worked very hard to bring entertainment to the centre, by putting on plays and skits. The cast has often had to perform many other jobs as well such as building the sets, handling props and changing scenes. This year, the club has finally been able to purchase some microphones so everyone in the audience should be able to hear.

The next big purchase will be that of permanent lighting. Profits from this show will mostly go towards that goal.

All members of the Evergreen Second Stage Players are seniors, ages 65 to 97. Most of the plays and skits were written Betty Annand, who was one of the first members, along with Harry Dixon and Rose Jacobson. All three are still participating and Rose is the oldest member, at 97 years.

Comox Valley Record