The three winners of the youth talent contest: Anna Betuzzi, Anjulie Djearam, and Evan Overman will perform with the Cowichan Consort Saturday in Duncan. (Submitted)

The three winners of the youth talent contest: Anna Betuzzi, Anjulie Djearam, and Evan Overman will perform with the Cowichan Consort Saturday in Duncan. (Submitted)

Cowichan Consort show on Saturday presents superb young Valley talent

Three young performers will showcase their skill at the Christian Reformed Church in Duncan March 2

The Cowichan Consort Orchestra presents its annual Featuring Our Youth concert on March 2 at the Christian Reformed Church, starting at 7:30 p.m.

This show is all about the 2019 winners of their youth talent contest. This year, Anna Betuzzi, oboe, won the senior category, Evan Overman, trumpet, won the intermediate, and Anjulie Djearam, voice, won the junior category, and they will all perform at the concert this weekend. Recently turned 13, Djearam just won the New York Forte International Competition and sang in the Gala concert at Carnegie Hall, and was awarded the platinum medal and its bursary last week.

Betuzzi will play Mozart ‘s famous Oboe Concerto K314, Overman will play the ever popular Haydn E Flat trumpet concerto, and Djearam, soprano, will sing the beautiful ‘Laudate Dominum’ from Mozart’s Vesperae K339.

The Consort Orchestra will round out the program with Haydn’s ‘London’ Symphony #104. Robert Mari will conduct.

Tickets are available at Volume One Bookstore in Duncan, from members, and at the door. Remember, this church is one of the most disabled-friendly venues in the Valley, so bring the entire family to enjoy the great music.

Adults get in for $20 and students 18 and under can enjoy the show for $10.

Cowichan Valley Citizen