First Mayo Public school in Paldi, built in 1921. Teacher Margaret Evans. Paldi’s history will be featured in an upcoming National Film Board documentary called ‘Unarchived’. (Cowichan Valley Museum and Archives)

Cowichan Valley history part of National Film Board documentary

National Film Board of Canada will be shooting in the Duncan and Paldi area Aug. 1 and Aug. 2

A documentary crew from the National Film Board of Canada will be shooting in the Duncan and Paldi area Aug. 1 and Aug. 2 for their feature documentary: Unarchived.

The goal, according to NFB senior production coordinator Nathan Conchie, is to film scenes “of our feature documentary, exploring the diverse, underrepresented, and unarchived histories in British Columbia.”

With a crew of five and no support vehicles, Conchie told the Downtown Duncan BIA that they have no intention of disrupting business as usual and their aim is to “minimize our impact on Duncan and capture the town in the most unobtrusive way.”

The crew will be in downtown Duncan, mostly near the museum, on Aug. 1 between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. filming shots to “establish Duncan as the thriving diverse community it is,” according to Conchie.

The film is set to be completed in early 2022.

“We are confirmed and will be filming in the Paldi and Duncan area on Aug 1 and 2. Primarily, it will be in the Gurdwara in Paldi and the Cowichan Valley Museum but will also be capturing a bit of Duncan life, and its historical/cultural monuments,” Conchi said.

A sandwich board will be set out to notify the public that filming is in progress and those who prefer not to be filmed can either avoid the area or notify the crew of their concerns.

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Cowichan Valley Citizen