Cowichan Valley Youth Choir sings the season

Chemainus Classical Concerts presents Welcome December with the Cowichan Valley Youth Choir

Young voices will present familiar songs on Sunday.

Young voices will present familiar songs on Sunday.

Chemainus Classical Concerts presents Welcome December with the Cowichan Valley Youth Choir on Sunday, Dec. 11, at Chemainus United Church, starting at  2 p.m.

It’s a chance to share the eager anticipation of the young choristers as they sing their hearts out to welcome the holiday season in a selection of music to touch hearts and lift spirits.

Tickets are $20 at the door for adults, and $5 for music lovers under 18.

Or you can get them in advance for $17 each from a selection of locations. Check www.chemainusclassicalconcerts/.ca for details.

Cowichan Valley Citizen