Creston library documentary film focuses on future of Earth

The Creston and District Public Library presents the documentary film How to Boil a Frog on June 23...

The Creston and District Public Library will show How to Boil a Frog on June 23.

The Creston and District Public Library will show How to Boil a Frog on June 23.

The Creston and District Public Library presents the documentary film How to Boil a Frog on June 23. This eco-comedy shows the consequences of too many people using up the Earth’s resources and suggests five things each and every one of us can easily do to save the earth and enhance our own lives at the same time.

Today, there is no shortage of films that focus on the future of our planet and impress upon us that our exploitative consumer habits, pollution, declining oil reserves, population overshoot and climate change are creating a converging calamity that humans must act upon now in order to secure any kind of future for the human race. What sets How to Boil a Frog apart is that it plainly outlines five basic things that we can all do now, to start us on the road to recovery.

How to Boil a Frog is the creation of Vancouver-based television writer and producer Jon Cooksey. Motivated by his concern for his 12-year-old daughter’s future, Cooksey set out to identify the threats, and present steps towards solutions, in a humorous, comprehensible way. Through his own example, Cooksey demonstrates how we can all awake the hero within and make meaningful change for ourselves and our children.

Filmed in 2010, How to Boil a Frog shows some familiar faces (among them former British Columbia premier Gordon Campbell) and presents new ideas in a refreshing and compelling way.

The 88-minute film will show at the library (531 16th Ave. S.) on Saturday at 2 p.m. Admission is free. For more information, call the library at 250-428-4141.


Creston Valley Advance