Creston Valley resident Michael Byrne has been fly-fishing for over 50 years.

Creston Valley resident Michael Byrne has been fly-fishing for over 50 years.

Creston library presentation taking closer look at fly-fishing

Creston Valley resident Michael Byrne presenting “50 Years of Fly Fishing” at Creston Valley Public LIbrary on March 10…

The next installment of the Creston Valley Public Library’s Great Outdoors speaker series is “50 Years of Fly Fishing” with Michael Byrne, at 7 p.m. March 10.

Fly-fishing is a mystery to many and a passion for others. This talk introduces fly-fishing to those who may have dabbled but who are interested in learning more about what is involved and seeing what equipment is used, how some of it has changed over the past half century and other things you need to think about if you want to experience this fascinating pastime.

Byrne will also show pictures of the places that he has fished in England and North America over the past 57 years, showing the beauty and variety of surroundings that make fly-fishing more than just fishing.

Byrne has been fishing since 1958 and fly-fishing since 1964. He has fished many rivers in northern England and in Alberta, B.C. and Montana, and currently explores the Goat River, “which is a much better trout river than many realize.”

The library’s Great Outdoors series will run monthly for the next several months. Watch for upcoming topics, including “Herbs in the Wild” and “The Ups and Downs of Bicycle Touring”. For more information, contact the library at 250-428-4141.


Creston Valley Advance