Creston Weekend Fiddle Camp offering concert and family barn dance

Creston fiddle camp instructors performing May 13, family barn dance May 14 at St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church...

Creston Valley fiddler Velle Weitman.

Creston Valley fiddler Velle Weitman.

As part of the Creston Weekend Fiddle Camp, and instructors concert will be held Friday at 7 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church.

The four instructors — Mark Sullivan, Karen Dignan, Velle Weitman and Austin Castle — are renowned musicians with many accomplishments, including the Canadian Grand Masters Fiddle Championship title and songwriting.

Doors to the May 13 concert open at 6:30 p.m., and admission is by donation.

On Saturday, a family barn dance will be held from 7-9 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church.

The family barn dance is for all ages and dancing abilities, and will be led by Karen Dignan, a fiddle camp instructor who not only plays fiddle but is a professional square dance caller. She will get everyone involved while the rest of the instructors — Mark Sullivan, Velle Weitman and Austin Castle — will play for the dance.

The Creston Valley has a wealth of musicians and piano back up will be by Zav Rokeby-Thomas and Kalen Huscroft. Advanced students will get a valuable opportunity to join in with the instructors as a part of their camp experience.

Doors to the May 14 dance will open at 6:30 p.m. and refreshments will be sold. Admission is $5 per person and $10 per family. All proceeds will be used to provide future fiddle camps in Creston.

Creston Valley Advance