Criky Mor is coming to Merville.

Criky Mor is coming to Merville.

Crikey Mor in Merville

Gardeners Green Folk Club hosting a house concert on May 23

Gardeners Green Folk Club in Merville is hosting a house concert on May 23 with Victoria band Crikey Mor.

These five top-notch musicians and singers have a really great time playing together.

Crikey Mor specialize in high energy Irish music, but also very sweet and harmonic ballads and songs. The performers are Nancy Grossert on fiddle, Tasia MacKay on flute, Eric Reiswig on uilleann pipes, Jeremy Walsh on guitar, and Andrew Morris on bodhran, with five fine voices as well.

Given that this is a house concert, it will be a very intimate evening for us all.

You may find yourself ducking under the end of a fiddle bow or flute, or providing a knee for the bodhran or bagpipe to sit on, but that’s all part of the fun house concert ambience. It’s going to be very hard to pin you to your seats, but the only dancing room will be in your chairs, as seating is limited.

Crikey Mor already have a good following in the Valley, so tickets for this event are likely to go quickly.

Tickets are $20 ($10 kids) and must be purchased in advance, with all of the proceeds going to the performers. Tickets include hot drinks and a good spread of finger food, and can be purchased by e-transfer, or you can arrange to come by and pick them up in person. Call at 250-337-5337 for more info.


Comox Valley Record