Events and Happenings in the Lower Columbia for the week of Jan. 23 to Feb.1. For a full listing, visit

Events and Happenings in the Lower Columbia for the week of Jan. 23 to Feb.1. For a full listing, visit

Crowe talent show & art exhibit opens tonight

Grapevine: Events and happenings in the Lower Columbia for the week of Feb. 16 to Feb, 22. For full listing, visit


Thursday, Cornerstone Cafe, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Community Conversation. Hospice hosts discussion about research findings from Trail/Castlegar study of an innovative way to use volunteers to support older adults living with advanced chronic illness. Everyone welcome. RSVP Brenda Hooper, 250.364.6204.


Thursday, Bailey Theatre, 7 p.m. JL Crowe Variety Show. Crowe students showcase their talent.

Sunday, Rossland Legion, 6 p.m. doors open for Joe Hill Coffee House. Performers include: Brynn Streadwick, ukulele; and the Rossland Songwriters Circle. Always looking for new performers, beginners or polished. All welcome; no auditions. For more info contact Les Carter at, or 250.362.5677.


Thursday, VISAC Gallery, 6-8:30 p.m. Opening reception for ‘Young Minds, Emerging Thoughts’ exhibit.Features three artists, Madeline Grace-Wood, Kaylee Colquhoun, and Ivana Waning from J.L. Crowe. Adding to the art works, VISAC will be creating an installation piece to be grown inside the exhibit. All welcome.


Monday, Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, 1-3 p.m. The Society for the Protection and Care of Seniors’ annual Memorial Vigil for “Services Lost” will be held outside hospital.

Tuesday, Kiro Wellness Centre, 2 p.m. the West Kootenay Ostomy Support Group will meet (note date change). Scheduled guest: Discussion on stress management. For further info, please call 250.368.9827 or 250.365.6276.


Sunday, Royal Theatre, 4:30 p.m. Sunday Cinema presents Moonlight. Life of a black gay youth named Chiron as he grows up in a rough neighbourhood in Miami.


Feb, 23, Jazz at the Griff, 7:30 p.m. Trail drummer Tony Ferraro will be joining the Mike Fahie Quartet. Features New York-based trombonist Mike Fahie, Nelson’s Rob Fahie on double bass and guitarist Doug Stephenson, performing jazz re-imaginings of Bach, Tchaikovsky and other classical composers.

Feb. 25, Bailey Theatre, 7:30 p.m. Tom Cochrane celebrates the 25th anniversary of his hit album “Mad, Mad World,” with a Canada-wide tour.

March 1, Community Volunteer Income Tax Program begins. Free-of-charge service to low income individuals who satisfy certain limits and restrictions. First-come basis. Mondays, 9-11 a.m. at Trail Senior Citizens’ Branch, Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 a.m. in Kate’s Kitchen on Rossland Avenue, Wednesdays from 9-11 a.m. at Trail FAIR, Thursdays from 9-11 a.m. at Beaver Valley Manor and Fridays 9-11 a.m. in Esling Park Lodge, Rossland. Runs until April 21.

March 3, Sacred Heart Church, Rossland. 1:30 p.m. for 2017 World Day of Prayer Service written by the women of the Philippines. All are welcome.

March 18, Trail United Church, 10 a.m. until noon for St. Patrick’s Day Coffee Party in Knox Hall. Bake and toonie tables. Admission by donation, all welcome.


Trail Daily Times