Nelson Leon and Alex Wells (centre) of Native Thunder Productions were at the 151st annual Clinton Ball on May 19, to perform traditional First Nations music and dance for the roughly 160 people in attendance. Leon and Wells are pictured with members of the Clinton Ball committee. Barbara Roden photo.

Nelson Leon and Alex Wells (centre) of Native Thunder Productions were at the 151st annual Clinton Ball on May 19, to perform traditional First Nations music and dance for the roughly 160 people in attendance. Leon and Wells are pictured with members of the Clinton Ball committee. Barbara Roden photo.

Cultures around the world celebrated at Clinton Ball

'It was sold out and the ball went exceptionally well'

Clinton celebrated its past with the 151 Annual Ball on May 19 at the Memorial Hall, selling out to a crowd of 160 people.

“It was sold out and the ball went exceptionally well. It was really successful,” said Wayne Marchant, the master of ceremonies at the ball and a member of the committee.

The ball’s theme was the cultures around the world to celebrate all the different people who came to Clinton and made it the community it is today.

Music was provided by the Evergreen Drifters and the surprise entertainment was by Native Thunder Productions.

“I think the entertainment we had at the intermission was really, really well attended,” said Marchant. “One of them played a special flute and the other one did what they call hoop dancing. They did a wonderful job.”

Native Thunder Productions is made up of Nelson Leon and Alex Wells and they are from Pemberton. Leon also played the drums while Wells, a three-time world dance champion, displayed his skills.

Tickets for the ball sold out last November, which Marchant says it’s been the first time it’s been sold out so soon. Which makes it even crazier, is that the ball committee stopped selling discounted early bird tickets sometime before this ball.

“For the last few years it has been sold out, but not that soon,” said Marchant.

The Ball also made its return to Memorial Hall after being held at the arena last year to celebrate Canada’s 150th.

The local Royal Legion’s royal auxiliary cooked the three-course meal, which Marchant said was wonderful.

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