Poster for Who Killed Trixie Whippet? designed by Christian Ryan

Poster for Who Killed Trixie Whippet? designed by Christian Ryan

Cumberland improv group returns for seventh season

After a two-year hiatus, Pleasure Craft Theatre is back again with its seventh season of comedy improv soap opera to die for: Dodgewood P.I. Who killed Trixie Whippet?

After a two-year hiatus, Pleasure Craft Theatre is back again with its seventh season of comedy improv soap opera to die for: Dodgewood P.I. Who killed Trixie Whippet?

Cumberland Culture and Arts Society presents this four-episode adventure in lunacy on Monday nights starting on Feb. 24 to March 16, at 7:30 p.m. at Cumberland Masonic Hall, 2687 Dunsmuir Avenue.

Admission is $5, all ages.

This form of improv theatre challenges expert improvisers to come up with a compelling storyline that spans four episodes of a hardboiled detective mystery, in the spirit of the Maltese Falcon and Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Actors are given a few prompts to create a scene with live musical accompaniment and lighting and sound effects, propelling the story forward to its thrilling climax.

Comox Valley Record