Dancers tell stories

Join the dancers for another entertaining afternoon of dance on Sunday June 7, 2 p.m. at the ADSS Auditorium.

A photo of Molly Gamble’s grandmother was inspiration for one of the year-end dances.

A photo of Molly Gamble’s grandmother was inspiration for one of the year-end dances.

Every picture tells a story, say the dancers at the MacKenzie School of Dance. However, despite the ease with which society currently uses its smartphones and tablets to snap digital photos by the thousands, the current generation will be the worst recorded of all.

Few if any of the resulting files make their way to a more permanent medium such as those photos preserved in any old-fashioned family photo album.

The theme “Every Picture Tells a Story” provides the starting point for this year’s Ceilidh—the year-end recital for the MacKenzie School of Dance.

Ballet, highland, creative movement and contemporary dances have all been imagined from pages of a variety of albums.  The ceilidh is the culmination of a season’s hard work in classes, and the dancers—aged three to 18 years—are excited to be performing for friends, family and the community.

Join the dancers for another entertaining afternoon of dance on Sunday June 7, 2 p.m. at the ADSS Auditorium. Tickets are $12 for adults/ $10 for students and seniors. Free admission for kids under five. Tickets are available at Rollin Arts Centre, the dance studio at 4330 Victoria Dr. and at the door.

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