Dangerously Brothers return to the Royal Coachman

Charlie Ray Wells and Philip Nowe bring blues, jazz, R&B, rock and country stylings to local pub

The Dangerously Brothers are back at the Royal Coachman Pub in Campbell River Oct. 11, for a Sunday Matinee from 1 to 4 p.m.

They are Charlie Ray Wells on vocals, guitars, harmonicas and mandolin and Philip Nowe’ on piano, accordion and vocals.

This venue will feature guest dangerous guy Brian Temple – a lead and harmony vocalist who is well known for his superb bass playing, drumming and acoustic guitar work.

Starting out in the late 60s singing folk music in Ontario coffee houses, Wells has been touring professionally since 1975 across Canada basing out of Vancouver for 20 years and on Vancouver Island since then. He started out as a solo act in the era of the one man band and progressed to duo and on to full band work in the clubs and pubs of the nation. He covered the country-rock scene evolving into rock-n-roll, blues and light jazz.

Pianist/vocalist Philip Nowe’ is the maestro of the duo, with many years of theory and study under master musicians from whom he learned classical and jazz. With more than 40 years of stage performing Nowe’ has covered pop, R&R, blues and country with equal thoroughness. He and Wells crossed many of the same trails down the road of clubs and cabarets.

In this duo, they cover many of the great classics of the blues, jazz, R&B, rock and country genres. Variety is the spice of life and they add lots to the soul food they dish out.

As mentioned, this venue will feature guest dangerously guy Brian Temple. The Bros. will cover renditions by Louis Armstrong, Ray Charles, Nat King Cole and Willie Nelson to Howlin Wolf, the Ink Spots, Hughie Piano Smith and Robert Johnson and others.

The Coachman features an excellent menu of delicious food so head over for lunch and stay for the tunes.

Campbell River Mirror