Dawson Rutledge in Searchlight spotlight

Cranbrook singer/songwriter is in CBC Searchlight 2016, a nation-wide search for Canada’s best up and coming musicians.

Dawson Rutledge, pictured at Locals Coffeehouse in October, 2015.

Dawson Rutledge, pictured at Locals Coffeehouse in October, 2015.

For the Townsman

Local singer/songwriter Dawson Rutledge is participating in the CBC Searchlight 2016 competition, a nation-wide search for Canada’s best up and coming musicians.

At just 18 years of age, Dawson has already released a CD titled “Today, Tonight, Tomorrow” which has been receiving positive reviews and radio play across Canada.

Dawson’s love for music began at an early age with guitar lessons and singing in choirs, although his passion truly grew under the direction of Evan Bueckert in the Music Program at Mount Baker Secondary School. Throughout his high school years, Dawson was an integral part of every band, choir and music class available.

No stranger to the big stage, you may have seen Dawson in various productions and musicals at the Key City Theatre over the past few years, most notably as the romantic lead in Drowsy Chaperone in May 2015.

It was on that very same stage, in June 2015, that Dawson performed an original song for the first time in public, showcasing “Mysterious Woman” to an enthusiastic full house.

Inspired to pursue music as his career, Dawson has hardly taken a breath since.  He has performed frequently at various local venues, at a festival in Arizona, and at the Ironwood Stage & Grill, a premier music venue in Calgary. He has been invited to perform at the Jersey Shore Festival in Seaside, NJ, this May, having been contacted directly by the same promoters who hosted the Arizona festival.

As a one-man band who switches between his acoustic and electric guitars, plays a kick drum and tambourine set-up with his feet and sings with a beautiful tone, Rutledge is certainly a dynamic and riveting performer to watch. Singing both originals and cover songs, Dawson can entertain a crowd for a three full hours. With over two dozen original songs to his credit, Dawson is eager to record another CD and keen to have industry professionals assist him this time around.

The Searchlight competition is a possible avenue to make contacts in order to help him pursue his dreams. Dawson Rutledge is one of 68 acts in the Interior & Northern BC Region who are being considered at this time. 10 of those acts will progress into the next round, nine chosen by a panel of experts and the 10th spot determined by fan voting.

Dawson has entered Searchlight with his fan-favourite song, “Mysterious Woman.” Please give your support and vote for him at www.cbcmusicsearchlight.ca/entries/70297 – voting can be done once per day until the round closes on April 20. Dawson would like to thank the community for their amazing support throughout his journey so far.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman