Edyta and Arne

Edyta and Arne

Don’t miss this musical romp at Christ Church Trinity

Flush out the carols! Romantic, Ragtime, and Romantic Ragtime takes place on Wednesday, January 6th at 7:30 p.m.

Flush out the carols! Romantic, Ragtime, and Romantic Ragtime takes place in Invermere’s Christ Church Trinity on Wednesday, January 6th at 7:30 p.m. Lively pianist Arne Sahlen will herald the hoped-for Kootenay Ragtime Festival of mid-2017 with music by Chopin, Joplin (called the Chopin of Ragtime) and Sahlen himself. Admission is by donation.

This program, as well as Sahlén’s Decades of Musical Delight and others, are available on call for senior citizens’ homes as well as shut-ins and the disabled.

“Along with my deep respect for our seniors in general, my mother is so extraordinary that serving the elderly is a way to honour her.”

Edyta Sahlen, now 97 and living in Victoria, is fondly remembered in East Kootenay circles.

She set superb examples for her three sons in a life of service.

“Both my family bloodlines stream artistic and humanitarian commitment,” said Sahlen. “One uncle helped to develop the United Nations, and a California archival site has 14 linear feet of documents about him.”

Ragtime will reach a milestone in 2017, the centenary of Scott Joplin’s death. Rather than one small city hosting a festival, Sahlen hopes to see a region-wide spectacle that could attract international crowds and showcase the many Kootenay splendours.

Sahlen credits those Kootenay splendours for saving his soul and spirit after some crushing experiences elsewhere.

“In this splendid area, to serve others and put them first is not seen as screwy. As a piano teacher, I project the same care for each student that compels me into human service. From classical superstars to boogie boosters, from seniors to refugees, each person can be served in our region — not just in a case file or time slot, but with respect, compassion, and a bit of zany fun.”

For more information about the coming events or other Christ Church Trinity activities, email arnesahlen@hotmail.com or phone 240-342-6644, or 250-341-1432.

Invermere Valley Echo