Fernando’s Pub is set to reopen on May 17 following a lengthy winter closure, allowing Kelowna residents to again enjoy the pub’s famed avocado margarita. (Fernando’s Pub/Facebook)

Downtown Kelowna’s Fernando’s Pub set to reopen after winter closure

Fernando's has announced it will begin welcoming its patrons back on May 17

A downtown Kelowna staple is getting ready to reopen after being closed for almost seven months.

Fernando’s Pub has announced it will begin welcoming its patrons back on May 17.

“After a sleepy winter, we are excited to be back in margarita action,” reads a post on the pub’s Facebook page.

The rumours are true!

🥑 After a sleepy winter we are excited to be back in margarita action! 🥑

Posted by Fernando's Pub on Tuesday, May 4, 2021

While provincial health orders barring indoor dining last until May 25, a week past the planned opening date, Fernando’s is expected to make use of the city’s expanded patio program to expand its outdoor dining until the order expires.

Fernando’s closed its doors back in October 2020, citing the economic turmoil caused by the COVID-19 pandemic as the reason.

“We will be excited to welcome you back in the spring, with new plans for outdoor seating and live music with some of Canada’s foremost leading artists, and a return to the vibrant atmosphere both customers and musicians have grown to love,” Fernando’s wrote in an October Facebook post.

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email: michael.rodriguez@kelownacapnews.com

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