Dr. Jane Goodall event tickets going quickly

If you are hoping to take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see Dr. Jane Goodall, you’ll have to act soon.

Jane Goodall is the world's leading expert on chimp behaviour.

Jane Goodall is the world's leading expert on chimp behaviour.

If you are hoping to take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see Dr. Jane Goodall, Dame of the British Empire and world-renowned primatologist and wildlife conservationist, you’ll have to act soon.

The Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) reported that over half of the tickets are now sold for her public ‘Reason for Hope’ presentation, taking place at Key City Theatre in Cranbrook on the evening of September 30. Following the presentation, Dr. Goodall will be available for a question and answer period and a book signing.

CBEEN’s Executive Director commented, “Given that this is Dr. Goodall’s debut in the Kootenays and one of the most affordable ticket prices in her entire North American tour, we aren’t surprised that tickets are going so quickly.” When asked about the response he noted, “We have had quite a few very interesting inquiries including a mother in Vancouver who is making the trip for her eight-year old daughter to hear Dr. Goodall, a teacher from Selkirk College who is hoping to bring her entire college class, a former West African game warden who now lives near Cranbrook but knew Dr. Goodall in the 70’s and a teacher from Albuquerque, New Mexico who is making the trip to hear her lifelong hero!”

CBEEN is grateful for the generous support from premier sponsor, Kicking Horse Coffee, along with feature sponsors Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Columbia Basin Trust and the Black Press – East Kootenay Group. CBEEN would also like to recognize the important role of their supporting sponsors in making this event a reality including the City of Cranbrook, St. Eugene Mission Resort, Key City Theatre, Cranbrook Photo, Wildsight, Kootenay Kwik Print and Lotus Books.

In addition to the public event, CBEEN has also organized for a school presentation on October 1 where Dr. Goodall will introduce her ‘Roots and Shoots’ program. A select group of grade 5 and 6 students from School Districts 5 and 6 will hear her speak about her beginnings as a young scientist and how that has transformed her into an internationally renowned wildlife conservationist and humanitarian. CBEEN’s Wild Voices for Kids Coordinator, Susie MacDonald says, “I am thrilled about the opportunity this will bring to the Columbia Basin as a platform for experiential environmental learning!”

Dr. Goodall will also be meeting with local environmental educators and teachers at CBEEN’s annual ‘Voices for Sustainability’ symposium. Participants will have the exclusive opportunity to ask Dr. Goodall questions about her environmental education programs as well as discuss their development here in the Columbia Basin.

For more information please go to www.cbeen.org/janegoodall or email info@cbeen.org.


The Free Press