Drum & Bell Tower performing

Drum & Bell tower concert bound to thrill Martin Exeter Hall audience

The Drum & Bell Tower concert, bringing musical hints of artists like Beck, Neil Young and the acoustic side of Zeppelin, is slated for Martin Exeter Hall on April 14, starting at 7 p.m.

The concert is being promoted by Astrid and Steve Roy’s Momentum Productions, and is also bringing entertainers Blue Line and Marin Patenaude to the stage.

“Our company is not based on profit,” says Astrid. “We are focused on providing entertainers with an audience and audiences with entertainment.”

Drum & Bell Tower is the melodic song-writing experiment of Brent Morton from Williams Lake, she says, adding his solo recordings and live shows include voice, acoustic guitar, high-hat and drum.

Blue Line, with Isaac Hensey, Timothy Woods and Elliot Arnold, brings original music to the stage, says Roy. Vocalist and guitarist Marin Patenaude is the other special guest.

“This is the second performance we’ve brought to 100 Mile House. Our mission is to bring local entertainment to the community whether it’s dance, music or speech art.”

Tickets are $15 and available at Didi’s Boutique, Nuthatch Books, 100 Miler Gear Garage and at the door.

For more information, call Roy at 250-397-4103.

100 Mile House Free Press