Dry Streak fills Cawston Hall

Saturday’s March 31 Cawston performance played to a sold out house and the Friday, March 30 and Sunday, April 01 evenings nearly full.

If the rolling laughter that continued throughout the play, Dry Streak by Leeann Minogue, is an indication of success then the Cawston Players certainly were able to feel proud of the play that they performed over three nights at the Cawston Hall.

Saturday’s March 31 performance played to a sold out house and the Friday, March 30 and Sunday, April 01 evenings were almost completely full. Total audience for the three nights was 320.

Producers and Directors Amanda Elyzen and Bob McAtamney wanted to create a unique theatre experience for their audience. People entering the hall were greeted with the front entrance decorated in a farming motif and inside the hall local musician, Rob Robertson, was performing and two local wineries, Robin Ridge and Eau Vivre, were serving wine. Plus there was food and refreshments available.

The amazing artistic talent of Yako de Arburn brilliantly created the prairie landscape and the house and bar scenes with set construction by John Hutchinson.

When the performance commenced it was obvious that the talented actors were able to do justice to the play and carried their audience along for a rollicking theatrical journey, punctuated by moments of seriousness. The final ending, the Naked Run, capped off a wonderful ending to a great evening. If theatre is designed to take people into a world of imagination and magic then this play certainly succeeded on that level.

Twenty-seven people and two months of rehearsal brought this production to life.

The Cawston Players would like to express their thanks to everyone involved in making this production such a success.


Keremeos Review