Lee Porteous will be one of the performers at the Duncan Showroom’s storytelling event later this month. (Photo Submitted)

Lee Porteous will be one of the performers at the Duncan Showroom’s storytelling event later this month. (Photo Submitted)

Duncan Showroom hosts storytellers series

Monthly shows will be broadcast live on YouTube

The first is complete and ready to view on YouTube and the next is just a few short weeks away. The Duncan Showroom is hosting a storytelling series that’s sure to grab the attention of those who love to listen, either in person at the Showroom as part of a limited audience due to COVID-19, or from the comfort of their own living rooms via the web.

“It’s the last Monday of the month,” confirmed the venue’s Longevity John Falkner. “There are three storyteller groups on the Island and they’re getting together to help present the series.”

In case you’re wondering, the groups are: Around Town Tellers (Nanaimo), Mid-Island StoryTellers (Oceanside), and the Victoria Storytelling Guild.

The once monthly events help to fill the gap left when the libraries closed. That’s where storytellers used to perform.

“They don’t have a venue anymore,” Falkner explained.

Like music, storytelling is an art in its own right, and when done well, can blow your mind.

“It’s really quite interesting,” he said. “The good storytellers… it really is awesome.”

Michelle Merlindt is one of the people helping to organize the event.

“This is a great opportunity in this terrible time of coronavirus to enjoy a live event safely and experience the warmth and connection that stories and particularly these talented tellers offer,” she said. “Story telling is fast finding new ground once again….yes, the art of telling stories is having a comeback and we are here to aid in that journey. We hope you enjoy these evenings of local storytellers weaving their web either as a paying audience or donating viewer for October: Barbara Botham (from Parksville) Margaret Murphy (from Nanaimo) Cindy Shantz (from Nanaimo) Lee Porteous (from Victoria) and Jennifer Ferris (from Victoria).”

October’s theme is “At a Crossroads.” Formatted as three 15-minute stories with a break, followed by a 45-minute tale to end off the evening, it’s a well-paced show promising to be great fun.

The shows will be broadcast on the Duncan Showroom YouTube channel.

Cowichan Valley Citizen