Duo is back to encourage songwriters

Applications are now being accepted for the 17th annual Roy Forbes and Bill Henderson songwriting intensive workshop at the Ryga centre.

For the past 16 years, a number of aspiring songwriters have benefitted from taking a few pointers from some B.C. pros.

And now those who want to tweak their words and music have the chance again.

Submissions are now being accepted to the 17th annual Bill Henderson/Roy Forbes Songwriters Intensive Workshop and Showcase to take place at Summerland’s George Ryga Centre April 21 and 22, 2012.

“Submissions are evaluated in the order which they are received so its advisable to submit early,”  said George Ryga Centre manager Ken Smedley. “Annually, this rare workshop opportunity receives up to 50 submissions and participants are selected from all across Canada.”

All interested applicants must send in a tape or CD of their music (no more than two songs), with two sets of typewritten lyrics, plus a $30 submission fee (payable by cheque or money order to the George Ryga Centre.)

“The  full price of the intensive workshop/showcase is $250, in the event that your work is selected,” said Smedley.

Submissions can be sent to Henderson/Forbes Songwriters Workshop, c/o Ken Smedley, Box 323, Armstrong, B.C., VOE 1BO.


Vernon Morning Star