Thom Southwood will perform at a benefit for Hannah.

Thom Southwood will perform at a benefit for Hannah.

Dylan night for Hannah

Benefit concert being held for young cancer patient and her family

The Sooke Folk Music Society is presenting a concert on Saturday, Oct. 6 featuring Dave Gallant and friends performing the music of Bob Dylan as a benefit for baby Hannah and her family.

Some of you may be familiar with the story of baby Hannah. After losing both their home and livelihood in one horrific fire one year ago, life was finally beginning to get back to normal for Hannah and her family. That was until Hannah started getting sick. Dozens of doctors visits and just as many misdiagnosis left the family feeling confused and frustrated, but it wasn’t until Hannah’s stomach began to grow that they got really concerned.

After a handful of doctors visits and diagnosis’ like bad posture and constipation the frustration was starting to set in, but it wasn’t until Hannah started having trouble breathing and was airlifted to Vancouver Children’s Hospital that the real nightmare began.

First a tumor in her stomach and a biopsy which showed that it wasn’t a tumor, but inflammation that left Hannah in critical condition for several days. Than the possibility that she may have lymphoma, then leukemia and finally, after almost a week of tests there was a diagnosis; Stage 4, Rhabdomyosarcoma. Now the battle has begun.

Because Hannah’s family is from Victoria and she is being treated in Vancouver at B.C. Children’s Hospital there are a great deal of transportation expenses.

Hannah’s mother will be arranging accommodations in Vancouver for herself and Hannah’s baby sister Hailey, while her father will have to travel at times to and from Vancouver and Victoria in order to maintain their home there.

Brooke, Hannah’s mother, who was a daycare provider in the family’s home has lost her only source of income as Hannah is far too frail to be able to play normally with the other children. Brooke needs her full attention to be on caring for Hannah and the extra burden of transportation costs is putting strain on an already tight budget.

Your contribution will also afford the family the ability to take Hannah to the zoo, the aquarium and any other venues that get her away from the hospital, even for a few hours. Your donation helps this family by eliminating the worries of financial stresses and allows them to focus solely on being there for their daughter every step of the way as she battles this horrific disease.

“I’m Dave Gallant and part of the reason that I have lived in Sooke for more than 30 years is because of the caring and generous nature of the people in this community. You never fail to step up to the plate when someone needs help. That is why we are presenting this special concert of Bob Dylan music.

“I have assembled a terrific group of singers and musicians to perform with me at this concert. Marcel Des Roche is a local singer/songwriter who has put out a CD of his own material and is a great interpreter of Bob Dylan’s songs. Thom Southwood is also an accomplished musician as well as a singer/songwriter. Thom is best known for writing and producing the musical Howl at the Edward Milne community school theatre with the Sooke Harbour Players. Our rhythm section consists of Grant Jamieson on bass and JT holding it all down on the drums.

“We hope you will come out and join us for this evening of special music and to support this worthy cause.”

The location is Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. with the concert starting at 8. Tickets available at the door or in advance at Shoppers Drug Mart in Sooke.

Sooke News Mirror