Eco-fashion star makes impact

Trendy eco-fashions by Sooke's Jen Bell are a hit in Vancouver

A sampling of Jen Bells' designs using re-purposed garments.

A sampling of Jen Bells' designs using re-purposed garments.

Jen Bell was last featured on these pages in February when she was getting her line of fashions ready for a show during the Women’s Wellness Show.

Fast forward  to April and Bell’s garments are featured during Eco-Fashion Week in Vancouver.

She is catching onto a trend that is growing and seems to be the wave of the future – eco-fashion. That is fashioning new garments from old, re-purposing or recycling those well made and interesting garments from the past. It’s visionary and it’s hip, especially in Vancouver where people are more eco-conscious and environmentally aware.

“Vancouver could be the eco-fashion capital of the world,” says Bell.

Bell showed 15 of her creations during the show along with the jewelry designs of Polish jewelry maker Bitru Fariel.

“I”ve had tons of good responses,” said Bell.

The show itself was hectic as Bell became the ultimate stylist, dealing with hair and clothings as Fariel’s assistant was unable to attend the show. Bell showcased some of her more “conservatively coloured” garments as Fariel’s jewelry was “over the top.”

Bell was invited to New York Fashion Week but has decided to stick a little closer to home for the time being.

She will take part in Eco-Fashion Week in the late fall fall at Robson Square and she will show her designs at the Sooke Fine Arts Fashion Show in August.

Sooke News Mirror